Okay, I admit, I got a little distracted. If you're wondering what happened to me, well, here he is:
Yep, this little guy arrived five months ago. And about nine months before that, my reading interests strangely morphed from fiction to birth stories and baby development books. That said, I also finished writing that novel! I'm on my second edit. I even had an outsider read it. (That handing your precious novel over to an outside reader thing is not for wimps.)
It's a million times harder to write fiction now, just in case you're wondering. I have some windows when the babe's asleep or occupying himself by sucking on his hand or something, but those windows are few and far between. The thing is, though, hanging out with him is so hands down the best thing I've ever done that I'm okay with the strains it puts on my writing life. And now that he's a bit older, and his nap times a bit more regular, it's getting easier. Or so I tell myself.

Yep, this little guy arrived five months ago. And about nine months before that, my reading interests strangely morphed from fiction to birth stories and baby development books. That said, I also finished writing that novel! I'm on my second edit. I even had an outsider read it. (That handing your precious novel over to an outside reader thing is not for wimps.)
It's a million times harder to write fiction now, just in case you're wondering. I have some windows when the babe's asleep or occupying himself by sucking on his hand or something, but those windows are few and far between. The thing is, though, hanging out with him is so hands down the best thing I've ever done that I'm okay with the strains it puts on my writing life. And now that he's a bit older, and his nap times a bit more regular, it's getting easier. Or so I tell myself.
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